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What I consider lenses are the ways of seeing the world that reveal some fundamental rule at work that you wouldn’t either see or not see as clearly when you didn’t know about a particular lens.

Ask Culture vs. Guess Culture

“I would prefer not to.”

Herman Melville, “Bartleby, the Scrivener”

Status Games

“Suddenly we understood that every inflection and movement implies a status, and that no action is due to chance, or really ‘motiveless’. It was hysterically funny, but at the same time very alarming. All our secret manoeuvrings were exposed. If someone asked a question we didn’t bother to answer it, we concentrated on why it had been asked. No one could make an ‘innocuous’ remark without everyone instantly grasping what lay behind it. Normally we are ‘forbidden’ to see status transactions except when there’s a conflict. In reality status transactions continue all the time.”

Keith Johnstone, “Impro” (1979)