monogram signature



The HTML for this website is generated from a subset of my notes with Hakyll. The notes themselves are markdown. Hakyll is Haskell. There’s no JS. Stylesheet is artisanal. The fonts are chosen by your system. Links are underlined. External links are followed by “⤴”.

Side and margin notes are inspired by Edward Tufte’s works.In markdown they are written as footnotes. Prefixing the note with a {-} allows for a margin note.

A Pandoc filter generates the necessary markup.


A note would start off as a section of some other note. Only once it has grown enough to not fit in another note will it be branched off. The note it originates from will be marked as its parents in its front matter. This produces the tree structure for the navigation.

Code block may or may not have line numbers ({ .numberLines startFrom="10" }). These won’t be picked up when copying. I prefer not to have horizontal scrollbars and line numbers make it clear when a line has wrapped.

quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort []     = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater)
        lesser  = filter (< p) xs
        greater = filter (>= p) xs

Style Guide

Try to maintain at most three levels of headings. In case there are several higher level headings, perhaps the document should be reworked or broken into a separate ones.

Footnote and margin note references should be at the end of sentences to reduce interrupting the reading.

Diæreses since they look neat and to counter cacoëpy, such as Aïoli, reïnvent, reëvaluate, reëngineer, hyperoödon, haliæëtus, Caïna, Boötes, coördinate.

Curly quotes (“ & ”) in text. Straight ones in code.

Apostrophe “s” for all singular nouns, except some. Only an apostrophe for plural nouns ending in an “s”.

Hyphens (-) for words, an en dash (–) to link otherwise separate things—such as numbers and dates—and an em dash (—) to break sentences.