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Responsive Images

Netlify has an image CDN to transform images on demand. I suppose a way to use it would be to have a custom Pandoc transform that takes the data from an image tag and turn it into a number of tags that specify different url for different image sizes.

What it looked like with 11ty:

<!-- the template would look like this: {% image "./src/posts/220816-qmk-morse/macropad.jpg" "6-key macropad with an encoder" "(max-width: 400px) 40vw, 80vw" %} -->
    <source type="image/avif" srcset="/img/sxbVc9SOvk-400.avif 400w, /img/sxbVc9SOvk-800.avif 800w"
      sizes="(max-width: 400px) 40vw, 80vw"><img alt="6-key macropad with an encoder" loading="lazy"
      decoding="async" src="/img/sxbVc9SOvk-400.jpeg" width="800" height="603"
      srcset="/img/sxbVc9SOvk-400.jpeg 400w, /img/sxbVc9SOvk-800.jpeg 800w"
      sizes="(max-width: 400px) 40vw, 80vw">
  <figcaption>cu7 macropad with 6 buttons and a rotary encoder (gazzew bobagum silent linear switches and biip
    mt3 extended 2048 caps, in case you're wondering)</figcaption>

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