Website Construction
Purpose and Vision ¶
- it gives some idea of who I am
- it won’t be some specifically catered image separate from the true self
Next Steps ¶
- rss feed
- the rss feed would be based on web-logs directory
Some Future Steps ¶
frontmatter key- some pages create a lot of noise, or the relationship is only asymmetrically significant
- is it possible to publish a page without it appearing in the navigation?
- a frontmatter key on which to conditionally skip adding a page to the map
- pages that work like indices
isIndex: true
- aggregates the content of its children
- or shows a teaser for each
- full-width tables
- web-log next/prev post navigation
- load all, sort, find current page, take -1 & +1, load into context
Responsive Images ¶
- importance: low
- Netlify Image CDN
Netlify has an image CDN to transform images on demand. I suppose a way to use it would be to have a custom Pandoc transform that takes the data from an image tag and turn it into a number of tags that specify different url for different image sizes.
- the good
- no need to transform images locally during build time
- the bad
- dev server would start to make external requests for images
What it looked like with 11ty:
<!-- the template would look like this: {% image "./src/posts/220816-qmk-morse/macropad.jpg" "6-key macropad with an encoder" "(max-width: 400px) 40vw, 80vw" %} -->
<source type="image/avif" srcset="/img/sxbVc9SOvk-400.avif 400w, /img/sxbVc9SOvk-800.avif 800w"
sizes="(max-width: 400px) 40vw, 80vw"><img alt="6-key macropad with an encoder" loading="lazy"
decoding="async" src="/img/sxbVc9SOvk-400.jpeg" width="800" height="603"
srcset="/img/sxbVc9SOvk-400.jpeg 400w, /img/sxbVc9SOvk-800.jpeg 800w"
sizes="(max-width: 400px) 40vw, 80vw">
<figcaption>cu7 macropad with 6 buttons and a rotary encoder (gazzew bobagum silent linear switches and biip
mt3 extended 2048 caps, in case you're wondering)</figure>
Resources and References ¶
Elsewhere: Best of 2024, Worldbuilding