monogram signature

Digital Tools and Utilities

Digital Tools I’m Trying Out


awk '/^3/ { ACTION }' file.tsv
awk '$1 ~ "Wes" { ACTION }' file.tsv
awk 'BEGIN { a = 0; }; $1 == $2 { a = a + 1; }; END { print a; };' file.tsv

{ print; }
{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }
{ exit; }      # ends the program
{ next; }      # skips to the next line of input
{ a=$1; b=$0 } # variable assignment
{ c[$1] = $2 } # variable assignment (array)

  else if (BOOLEAN) { ACTION }
  else { ACTION }
{ for (i=1; i<x; i++) { ACTION } }
{ for (item in c) { ACTION } }


Jujutsu is a version control system—works on top of git.

Squash Workflow

Edit Workflow

See also: Tools