When configuring Neovim starts to take too much effort.
Current Practice Goals ¶
jumps to other end of the selection, likeo
in Neovim’s visual modeopt-d/c
delete or change the selection without moving the deleted part to a registeropt-.
- repeat lastf/F/t/T
scroll documentation windowsspc+k
open doc window for method under cursorgw
for jumping to labels- traversing the syntax tree
select all siblingsopt-b
move to the beginning of the parent nodeopt-up/opt-o
- expand to parent nodeopt-down/opt-i
- shrink to child nodeopt-left/opt-p
- previous siblingopt-right/opt-n
- next sibling
Keyboard Shortcuts ¶
Navigation ¶
repeat lastf/F/t/T
for jumping to labelsctrl-s
add position to jumplistmm
- jump to matching bracketn/N
jump to next or previous matchg.
go to last modification
Editing ¶
delete or change the selection without moving the deleted part to a register~
toggle case`
- lowercase,alt-`
- uppercase
- select register for yanking to or pasting fromQ
- start/stop recordingq
- repeat macro"<ch>q
- play macro from a specific registerC
to duplicate the cursor to the next suitable lineopt-C
for previous suitable line.
Selection ¶
add selection to next or previous match- toggling selection mode with
allows you to either select or to not select a given match
- toggling selection mode with
jumps to other end of the selection, likeo
in Neovim’s visual modeopt-s
split into selections at each lineR
- to replace selection with yanked text- comments
- comment<space>C
- block comment<space>opt-c
- line comment
- traversing the syntax tree
- expand to parent nodeopt-down/opt-i
- shrink to child nodeopt-left/opt-p
- previous siblingopt-right/opt-n
- next sibling
- align selection(
move between selectionsopt-,
remove current selectionopt-(/)
cycles the selections backwards and forwards- e.g. swap the selected text to the position of the next selected text, and move the previous one to the current position¡¡
select the whole files
to select all instances of a regex pattern inside the current selection.opt-s
to split the selection into lines.S
split selection on matches, I think it’s like reverse ofs
as in everything but the regex gets matched and the regex acts as a separator between selectionsctrl-a/x
for incrementing and decrementing"#ctrl-a/x
for incrementing multiple selection sequentially, i.e. vim’sg ctrl-a/x
Interface and Other ¶
scroll documentation windowsspc+k
open doc window for method under cursorspace-?
open command palette:sh
- run shell commands